Cooking abilities and requirements are a vast and diverse topic, often sparking much debate.
With regards to cooking equipment, at Washer-Wise, we exclusively specialise in repairing electric cooking appliances only and do not handle microwave ovens, air fryers or any gas appliances. We are not Corgi or Gas Safe registered, but can provide contact details for reliable, properly qualified gas repair agents and fitters.
With electric oven repairs and on other types of cooking equipment, complicated faults
can occur. However, the most common issues include element failure, thermostat malfunction, and general wear and tear, such as door seals and glass breakages. For cooker hoods and microwaves, cost-effectiveness is an early consideration. For instance, repairing a microwave usually costs no less than £90 due to spare parts, but a new one might be available for under £50. The same logic applies to hoods, as the replacement cost for an average cupboard-style hood is less than £200. Thus, if your microwave is particularly expensive and you wish to repair it, we can suggest alternative repairers, though we don't undertake microwave repairs ourselves. For hoods, we use our £35 diagnostic/estimate system, as detailed in the washing machine and
Free Advice sections to get your approval on the viability of the repair. We can also supply and fit new appliances if you get to this stage.